Message from the CEO

Waste or used goods would be worthless if we don’t help each other to find ways to recycle them. All resources will gradually become mountains of waste which gradually deteriorate the global environment. Thus, the idea of recycling was established so that used goods can be reused. Although the amount of waste that can be recycled is still little compared to that of the waste generated around the world, it is important to continue raising awareness about recycling in order to develop sustainable waste management culture which is an effort to not let the world deteriorate until there is only a mountain of waste.
Even though many global environmental organizations are currently trying to help raise awareness about environmental problems, we still are not able to significantly reduce environmental impact. The government of every country must, therefore, provide incentives for solving environmental problems from the root cause by promoting more recycling and charge higher waste management and waste elimination fees as well as reasonably charge water and air pollutants for causing environmental pollution.